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Help, I’ve found an animal!

The information presented below will inform you on what to do if you find an animal that either appears to be and or is in fact injured or orphaned. Please utilize advice and tips at your own discretion as laws regarding wildlife may differ in your county of business or residence. Tenafly Nature Center cannot accept injured or orphaned wildlife.

Always take extreme caution when approaching wild animals.
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    Wild animals may harbor diseases and try to defend themselves whenever they feel fearful or threatened. Always be overly cautious of an animal you suspect is orphaned or injured, keeping yourself, your children, and any household family pets at a far, safe distance.
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    If you locate and determine a wild animal to be injured or orphaned, immediately contact a wildlife rehabilitator or your local animal control agency.

Wildlife Rehabilitation - Issues and Solutions

Every day, people attempt to do the right thing by helping an animal in need. But more often than not and at no fault of the attentive party, the animal in question does not require human assistance. Make no mistake that the true act of kindness in most situations is leaving them alone.

Difficult and troubling to reconcile though it may be, we, as animal lovers dedicated to the preservation of our natural environment must respect the sad fact that not all animals are destined to live and thrive over the course of their species’s respective lifespan. It is an unfortunate but necessary measure Nature must take to preserve the balance of life. Still, there are actions one can take to help.

Tenafly Nature Center’s staff and associates recommend all injured or orphaned wildlife be taken to a licensed wildlife rehabilitator. These wildlife professionals have the training, veterinary services, facilities, and experience to help wildlife in need. If you are unable to immediately deliver injured or orphaned animal(s)to your nearest rehabilitator, call for advice. Most rehabilitators are volunteers and will need you to bring them the animal. And remember, it is illegal to care for any wild animal without proper medical licensing.

Tips for Preventing Human-Wildlife Conflicts and Problems

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    Do not feed wildlife!
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    Feed your pet(s) indoors and refrain from leaving pet food outdoors.
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    Keep domestic pets indoors. If you choose to allow them outdoors, ensure they are direct, proper supervision at all times.
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    Restrict wild animal access homes by keeping doors and windows fully closed or screened.
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    Check for animal nests prior to starting any home upkeep chores or projects such as chimney & gutter cleaning, pruning or felling trees.
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    Properly dispose of all refuse, always using "Wildlife Proof" garbage containers or barrels for refuse stored outside your home or building.

Local Wildlife Rehabilitators

Consult the following links for local wildlife rehabilitator listings and locations: