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Volunteer Opportunities
Tenafly Nature Center relies on the generosity of volunteers to maintain its mission.
Volunteer and become part of the solution. Help to protect our air, water, and wildlife habitats. Help us keep our mission and in turn, you will work with our staff, gain valuable knowledge, partake in unique experiences and deepen your environmental awareness.
Who should apply?

Volunteer opportunities are limited. Availability is determined by the season, weather, skills and staff schedule availability.

Apply to volunteer at TNC?
1) Complete and submit an application through Bergen Volunteers for Tenafly Nature Center.

  • Teen applicants should complete the application themselves. 

2) Wait for TNC staff to review your submitted Bergen Volunteers TNC application and contact you.

Please don’t contact us.

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with us!
Opportunities that individuals may apply for and are then scheduled for independently
Opportunities that are available for individuals to sign up for that are pre-scheduled by TNC
A national award established to recognize the valuable contributions volunteers are making.
Corporate and large groups can enjoy a team-building session as they give back to the community!

For many of our needs we are looking for volunteers that are able to commit to a weekly schedule. The following
opportunities are available for individuals who would like to volunteer regularly at TNC.

= Volunteer opportunities for adults (18+ only)

= Volunteer opportunities for students (14+ only)

Animal Care Assistant Caretaker

Our Animal Care Assistant Caretakers are crucial to the health of our animal ambassadors.

Animal Care Assistant Caretakers are responsible for feeding, cleaning & changing water dishes, and cleaning & maintaining the terrarium and cage habitats for our non-releasable invertebrates, snakes, lizards, amphibians, turtles, and chinchillas. Animal Care Assistant Caretakers must be comfortable around the animals they are caring for and with the diets they will be offering to the animals. Our animal ambassadors typically eat a variety of deceased rodents, vegetables, pellets, and mealworms. It is a messy job and you must love animals!

Training will be provided.

  • Schedule: Help is currently needed on Sundays, Mondays, or Tuesdays, and for a 1.5-2 hour weekly commitment.
  • Age: Ages 14+
  • Minimum Requirement: 6 month commitment
  • Indoor or Outdoor: Indoors
Assistant Land Steward 

Our Assistant Land Steward are important volunteers who help us maintain our preserve.

Assistant Land Stewards are responsible for helping our Land & Facilities Manager maintain a healthy and accessible preserve. They help keep our trails wood chipped, remove invasive plant species, assist with seasonal trail clearance (ex. removing leaves from paths), and other habitat restoration and trail improvement needs. Volunteers may also assist staff with various routine day-to-day maintenance projects and special one-time projects.

Training will be provided.

  • Schedule: Help is currently needed during the week and weekends for a 2 hour weekly commitment.
  • Age: Ages 14+
  • Minimum Requirement: 6 month commitment
  • Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoors – In cases of inclement weather date/time will be skipped and volunteers will be asked to come on their next scheduled date/time
Birds of Prey Assistant Caretaker

Our Birds of Prey Assistant Caretakers are crucial to the health of our animal ambassadors.

Birds of Prey Assistant Caretakers are responsible for feeding, cleaning & changing water dishes, and cleaning & maintaining the aviary habitats for our non-releasable birds of prey (ex. owls, hawks). Birds of Prey Assistant Caretakers must be comfortable around the animals they are caring for and with the diets they will be offering to the animals. Our birds of prey typically eat deceased rodents. It is a messy job and you must love birds!

Training will be provided.

  • Schedule: Help is currently needed during the week on Fridays for a 2 hour weekly commitment.
  • Age: Ages 18+
  • Minimum Requirement: 6 month commitment
  • Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoors
Faerie Trail Caretaker 

Our Faerie Trail Caretakers are special helpers that make our faerie trail kept looking nice and whimsical, and provide our visitors with a fun passive exhibit to enjoy.

We are seeking volunteers who are interested in helping care for our Faerie trail. Volunteers will be asked to use their artistic and craft skills to maintain this creative exhibit while making sure the fae folk are happy with their forest community.

Training will be provided.

  • Schedule: Help is currently needed on a weekend for a 2 hour weekly commitment between the hours of 10 am – 4:30 pm
  • Age: Ages 14+
  • Minimum Requirement: 3 month commitment
  • Indoor or Outdoor: Both
NY/NJ Trail Conference Tenafly Nature Center Trail Crew  

Our NY/NJ Trail Conference Trail Crew are extremely important volunteers who help us maintain our over 7 miles of trails.

Do you enjoy a walk in the woods? If you do how about spending some time working in the woods you enjoy.

Join our dedicated trail crew and help maintain our seven miles of trails. Up to two of those miles could be yours to inspect and keep in shape. We are looking for outdoor-loving people like you.

Tenafly Nature Center partners with the NY/NJ Trail Conference so there will be plenty of on-the-job training making newcomers feel right at home. Experience is not necessary the trail conference will show you how. Are you ready to become a volunteer trail maintainer? Contact the NY/NJ Trail Conference to learn more.

Here is what you can help us do:

  • Keep trails accessible for fellow users
  • Monitor and removing invasive species
  • Build new trails and rehabilitating old ones

Training will be provided.

Office and Administrative Support 

Our Data Entry and Administrative Support Volunteers are crucial to helping keep TNC organized and running smoothly.

Data Entry and Administrative Support volunteers are responsible for providing clerical support to the nature center staff. Individuals are especially needed to help with scanning, data entry, filing and organizing files, answering phones, mailings (stuffing, labeling, sorting etc.), and work with staff on special projects. Individuals are needed who have a cheerful, friendly attitude, professional and efficient, and great communication skills. Experience with Microsoft Excel and Word and knowledge of data entry is a plus.

Training will be provided.

  • Schedule: Help is currently needed on a weekday for a 2 hour weekly commitment between the hours of 9:30 am – 4:30 pm
  • Age: Ages 14+
  • Minimum Requirement: 3 month commitment
  • Indoor or Outdoor: Indoors
Program Photographer  

Professional and amateur photographers are needed to photograph TNC’s events, grounds, flora, and fauna. Maintain the nature center photo collections and files so that we can highlight all that we do.

Program photographer volunteers are responsible for attending TNC programs and events and taking digital pictures of the staff, volunteers, and animal ambassadors providing programs and assisting customers. These images are needed so that TNC may highlight all we do to accomplish our mission. The images provided may be utilized by TNC soley in either digital and or print. Individuals are needed who can provide their own digital camera, have a cheerful, friendly attitude, professional and efficient, and great communication skills.

Training will be provided.

  • Schedule: Help is currently needed on a weekdays and weekends for a 1-2 hour commitment throughout the scheduled programs
  • Age: Ages 14+
  • Minimum Requirement: 1 event
  • Indoor or Outdoor: Indoors or outdoors depending on the event
TNC Board of Trustee Member 

The Board of Trustees steadfastly serve as our community leaders. Together, they lead and oversee many aspects of TNC.

We are currently looking for people who wish to volunteer as a Board Trustee with expertise in Event Planning, Public Relations, Marketing, Fundraising, Forestry & Wildlife Management, and Nonprofit HR. Terms are 3 years. Your active participation is welcomed!

TNC Board of Trustees Are Expected To:

  • Give approximately 5 hours per month on TNC business. Monthly board meetings (approximately 1-2 hours) and some sort of committee work, and/or volunteer work
  • Attend board meetings (held once a month). It is understood that occasional conflicts may occur, but trustees should attend the majority of meetings.
  • Serve on at least one committee and/or do some other type of TNC-related volunteer work.
  • Express views on board issues under discussion, and then support the board’s decisions.
  • Be current members.
  • Financially support the work of the TNCA in an amount(s) wholly at your discretion (when we go to foundations or corporations, it’s best if we can tell them that all trustees are donors).
  • Participate in board and/or public events to become familiar with and support TNCA in a different way from the monthly Board meetings. These include: our annual dinner, Nature Day, annual boundary walk, and additional TNC events.
  • Recommend, as appropriate, names of prospective financial supporters and/or potential candidates for the board.
  • Promote the Tenafly Nature Center Association. Mention TNC to your friends and neighbors. If you belong to a local service organization, consider speaking about TNCA (or requesting a speaker) at a meeting or help staff a TNCA table or exhibit during local events.

Training will be provided.

  • Schedule: Be prepared to spend approximately 5 hours per month on TNC business. Monthly board meetings (approximately 1-2 hours) and some sort of committee work, and/or volunteer work.
  • Age: Ages 21+
  • Minimum Requirement: 3 year commitment
Trail Greeter 

Our Trail Greeters help all guests of the preserve feel safe and welcome.

Volunteers are needed to sit at our entrance and to help keep track of the number of trail visitors, answer questions regarding the trails, give an overview of the organization, and ensure visitors feel safe and welcome. Volunteers will be given a chair, table and necessary literature (along with an optional pop up tent) and set up at our main entrance in front of the visitors center. In between visitors volunteers are welcome to bring a book or entertainment device to enjoy.

Training will be provided.

  • Schedule: Help is currently needed for a 2-3 hour commitment between the hours of 9:30 am – 4:30 pm on Saturdays or Sundays.
  • Age: Ages 18+
  • Minimum Requirement: 4 week commitment
  • Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoors – In cases of inclement weather date/time will be skipped and volunteers will be asked to come on their next scheduled date/time

Are you just looking for a day to gain some hours?
Take a look at our scheduled volunteers days below and sign up for a volunteer event that is already set up.

The following opportunities are scheduled volunteer events that individuals are welcome to sign up for. These opportunities change each season and may be signed up for individually by clicking the event link in the upcoming events list.Age restrictions may apply see the individual event for complete details.

Forest Defenders

2nd and 4th Sundays
and select Mondays
Boundary walk

In March
Annual Egg Hunt

In April
Help maintain the preserve by removing invasive plant species and other harmful elements to our environment. For the forest to be healthy, these invaders must be removed.Take part in an annual walk of the property to assure that the nature center and its borders are being maintained, and are free of encroachments and litterHelp our education team with this fun program that encourages participants to learn about camouflage. Hide naturally dyed eggs and oversee the sessions.

In April

Nature Day

June 9

Haunted Forest

In October
Take part in a community trash cleanup day for all local green spaces throughout the borough. This is run in partnership with the borough of Tenafly and Tenafly High School.

Assist our education team with this fun community event featuring stations throughout the TNC preserve that encourage participants to have a respect for nature.

Register to volunteer here

Lend a hand at this fun community event featuring stations throughout the TNC preserve that encourage participants to learn about nocturnal animals.
Upcoming Dates & Times

Tenafly Nature Center has been selected and approved as an official Certifying Organization for the President’s Volunteer Service Award.

The President’s Volunteer Service Award is a national award created from the White House established to recognize the valuable contributions volunteers are making in our communities and encourage more people to serve. The President’s Volunteer Service Award recognizes individuals, families, and groups that have achieved a certain standard, measured by the number of hours of service over a 12-month period or cumulative hours earned over the course of a lifetime.

TNC is one of thousands of organizations that deliver the President’s Volunteer Service Award and honor volunteers. As a certified organization for the award, Tenafly Nature Center is responsible for verifying service hours, nominating potential recipients and delivering the Award.

TNC volunteers are eligible for this award and can be approved for it via TNC as their Certifying Organization. Volunteers can begin their pursuit of the award by tracking their volunteer hours online. The hours do not have to be only for volunteer work in support of TNC; they can be for a wide range of projects and service. However, it is important that TNC volunteers use Tenafly Nature Center’s Record of Service Key, YER-8122, when identifying their Certifying Organization.

Click here (and use YER-8122 as your Record of Service Key) to get started.