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Planned Giving
Planned Giving helps you make sure your personal goals are met as part of your ongoing financial, estate, and philanthropic strategy and supports those organizations that you care most about.

Through planed giving you will provide a lasting legacy and strengthen Tenafly Nature Center for generations to come. We encourage you to speak with your financial/tax advisors about the best planned giving option for you. For inclusion in a will or estate document, the official name of our organization is Tenafly Nature Center Association. We are happy to assist donors in meeting philanthropic and personal planning objectives through creative contributions.

Planning a gift to Tenafly Nature Center will create a lasting legacy that will continue the protection of nearly 400 wooded acres, all of its inhabitants and teach this and the next generations to do the same.
Tenafly Nature Center's Tax
ID 22-0019117
To designate a specific dollar amount, a particular asset, or a fixed percentage of your estate supports the Tenafly Nature Center, speak to your lawyer or financial advisor about adding the following language to your last will and testament:

“I give, devise, and bequeath the sum of $________ (or a description of the specific asset), to the Tenafly Nature Center, an exempt charitable organization located at 313 Hudson Avenue, Tenafly, NJ 07670, for its general corporate purposes.”
Gifts of Appreciated Securities
Gifts of stock are welcome and may provide you with tax advantages. As with all gifts, you should consult your own financial/tax advisors to confirm that it is advantageous for you to contribute appreciated securities.
  • greensections_bullets
    Provide your broker with Tenafly Nature Center’s stock
    transfer information below and ask them to include your
    name in the wiring instructions:
    Tenafly Nature Center
    EIN # 22-0019117
  • greensections_bullets
    In order for Tenafly Nature Center to promptly process and credit the gift to you, let our Executive Director, know the name of the stock, and the number of shares or approximate dollar amount you will be transferring
  • greensections_bullets
    The effective date of your gift will be the date the security is transferred into Tenafly Nature Center’s account, and the value of your gift will be the average of the high and low quotations for that day.
Please contact us for more information.
Tenafly Nature Center's Tax
ID 22-0019117
IRA Minimum Required Distributions as Charitable Gifts
Tenafly Nature Center's Tax
ID 22-0019117
Making a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) to Tenafly Nature Center from your IRA is a simple and powerful way to support our mission of preservation and education.

When you reach the age of 70 ½ you must begin taking required minimum distributions (RMDs) from your traditional, rollover, or inherited IRA. Distributions are taxable income. You may not need or want to take this distribution and instead you may wish to make a charitable contribution. A charitable contribution is applied toward your RMD for the year and is a great way to support a cause you love (like TNC) while avoiding paying income tax on your distributions.

Account-holders 70½ years and older may contribute up to $100,000 from a traditional IRA to an eligible charity without the transfer being deemed a taxable distribution.

Your financial institution can send your QCD gift to: Tenafly Nature Center (313 Hudson Ave Tenafly, NJ 07670)

Please email TNC’s Executive Director or 201-568-6093 with any questions.