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Gifted and Talented Programs
Whether you have an entire class of students who are academically gifted and talented or you have a smaller group of students brought together to cover curriculum as the schedule allows, we have programs developed to meet both needs. The following programs were developed with the gifted and talented program in mind.

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Macro to Micro Series: The Ecology of a Pond
4-8 week course at your school and Tenafly Nature Center

Discover the intricate world of this aquatic ecosystem. Students explore the characteristics and adaptations of inhabitants found in a pond environment. Starting with the smallest organisms and working your way up you will get an up close perspective of life under the surface.Weekly topics include:

  • 6-week series at your school (44 minute class each)
    1. Watershed and parts of a pond
    2. Photosynthetic pond organisms part 1
    3. Arthropods of the pond part 1
    4. Water chemistry & quality assessments
    5. Photosynthetic pond organisms part 2
    6. Arthropods of the pond part 2 (optional)
  • 2-week field course series continuation at the Tenafly Nature Center (90-minute each)
    1. Pond study
    2. Vernal pond study (optional)
Seed to Plant Series
4-8 week course at your school and Tenafly Nature Center

Get your hands dirty and dig into the field of botany! Discover and identify plants as we explore growth, defense and niches of various local and global species. Outdoor excursions will give us a chance to put our knowledge into practice and support local ecosystems.

Weekly topics include:

  • 6-week series at your school (44 minute class each)
    1. Intro to plant (parts,functions, geologic timeline, taxonomic relationships)
    2. Woody vs. Herbaceous plants
    3. Plant propagation
    4. Plant defenses and mutualistic symbiosis
    5. Dichotomous keys
    6. Backyard habitats
  • 2-week field course series continuation at the Tenafly Nature Center (90-minute each)
    1. Invasive vs. Native Species
    2. Wildflower and Plant ID
2-Full Day intensive course at Tenafly Nature Center
Loosely based on The Hunger Games series, this two-day program enables students to explore their surroundings while gaining survival skills. During this 2-full day course students will prepare snares, discover shelter building techniques, practice cooking outdoors, learn how to tie knots, identify edible plants, determine how to use a GPS unit to find their way, locate fresh water and learn how to purify it for drinking purposes.
Wayfinding Techniques
1-Full Day intensive course at Tenafly Nature Center
During this one day course students learn how a compass and map can be useful tools to find your way in the woods and what other wayfinding techniques an help them in everyday activities. After they learn basic compass skills students will apply this knowledge outdoors on the trails on a pre-set course that combines racing with navigation. It is a timed race in which individual participants use a specially created, highly detailed map to select routes and navigate through diverse and often unfamiliar terrain to find control points in sequence hidden outdoors.

Gifted & Talented Pricing

 1-Full Day2-Full DayG&T Outreach Series
Per Session*
Bergen County   
Per student$25$50$250
  • No additional charge for scout leaders.
  • Maximum G&T group size is 15 children per TNC educator.
  • Programs require one teacher per class who may attend for free.
  • In order to obtain adequate staff, advance notice of additional students and adults is required. We reserve the right to limit the number of non-registered participants on the trail to the number originally registered on the confirmation form.
  • Please separate students into groups of 15 students prior to arrival.
  • For all in school portions of the series:
    1. A mileage charge of the current IRS rate per mile round trip is added to the program fee for all in school program dates.
    2. One parking space must be provided near the entrance of your location (if no parking is available at your site then a fee will be added to cover any associated garage fees).
  • If your funds are limited, please consider applying for a scholarship (we strive to make nature accessible to everyone).