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Who Are We?
Tenafly Nature Center’s continual success stems from tireless efforts made by dedicated staff, generous board members and so many hard working volunteers.
TNC Staff
Tenafly Nature Center employs full-time, half time, part time, and seasonal professional staff members. All hold degrees and have experience in environmental education.

Members of our staff come from diverse backgrounds and locations. They all believe in the benefits of an interactive learning environment and strive to provide hands-on programs that include interactive experiences and that meet the needs of mixed audiences.
TNC Leadership
The Board of Trustees steadfastly serve as our community leaders. Together, they lead and oversee many aspects of TNC.

Members lend their talents and hard work and are drawn from Tenafly and the surrounding communities. Board members have a wide range of expertise and generously donate their time and extraordinary financial support to the Tenafly Nature Center.
Animal Ambassadors
Tenafly Nature Center cares for small collection of animals that cannot be released into the wild for a variety of reasons.

Instead these animals help educate people of all ages about the needs of our local wildlife and the importance of protecting their habitats. They are native or related to local species found throughout New Jersey.