Winter Natural Events
We hope this calendar encourages you to come up often and explore the trails! Dates are approximate; a hurricane or early frost may shift the schedule!
Be alert at anytime during the next few months for some of the irruptive northern birds such as Red-breasted Nuthatch, Purple Finch, and Pine Siskin. These were all reported in upstate New York and New England, and a few here in NJ this fall. Maybe some will appear this winter! Check out some of the rare bird alerts in our area, and visit the TNC feeders, birch trees, and forest edges. Winter is a great time for you to really experience Bald Eagles along the Hudson or Snowy Owls at area beaches. Don’t settle for a vicarious experience!
☼Astronomical Alerts!: If it’s clear, look for the Geminid meteor shower near Gemini, of course!
Be alert at anytime during the next few months for some of the irruptive northern birds such as Red-breasted Nuthatch, Purple Finch, and Pine Siskin. These were all reported in upstate New York and New England, and a few here in NJ this fall. Maybe some will appear this winter! Check out some of the rare bird alerts in our area, and visit the TNC feeders, birch trees, and forest edges. Winter is a great time for you to really experience Bald Eagles along the Hudson or Snowy Owls at area beaches. Don’t settle for a vicarious experience!
☼Astronomical Alerts!: If it’s clear, look for the Geminid meteor shower near Gemini, of course!
Winter Natural Events
Last Two Weeks of December
By now even the latest fall-flowering plants such as witch-hazel are done blooming. You'll likely see no more blooms until at least mid-February. Happy solstice! You may not notice it, but by late December the days are starting to get longer. That's reason enough for us mid-latitude folk to celebrate!
Read More... First Two Weeks of January
The prediction is for a cold winter but we usually have a “January thaw” somewhere in here. If the ground isn't snow-covered, spring peepers may call in any month; they hibernate on land just under the leaves and so respond quickly to warming spells. Other frogs hibernate at the bottom of the pond and are insulated from short-term weather changes.
Last Two Weeks of January
The "dead" of winter is when resident Great Horned Owls lay their eggs. The female will sit even through blizzards.
This is the most likely month to have thicker ice on Pfister’s Pond. At this time we do not permit ice skating on the pond as it takes at least three days of continuously sub-freezing temperatures, with no snow, to get the minimum four-inch thickness. Please don’t try to go onto the ice!
Read More... This is the most likely month to have thicker ice on Pfister’s Pond. At this time we do not permit ice skating on the pond as it takes at least three days of continuously sub-freezing temperatures, with no snow, to get the minimum four-inch thickness. Please don’t try to go onto the ice!
First Two Weeks of February
By now it's getting dark about 6:00 pm, already a full hour later than the shortest days in mid-December. In an average winter, snowdrops start blooming about now. If the nighttime temperatures are below freezing, and the daily highs are in the 40's, the sap will start to run in the Sugar Maples. If you have maples, why not try making your own? If not, come up and join us for a demonstration!
Last Two Weeks of February
Wood Ducks and Mallards, and male Red-winged Blackbirds, appear on Pfister's Pond as soon as it is partly ice-free. However, they usually don't become regular before March. Even if there’ve been few “winter finches” around, some may appear now as they head back north. “Spring” migration starts slowly, but one species or another is on the move from now
through early June.
through early June.
First Two Weeks of March
Woodcock may begin their nasal "peent" calls and flight displays about now, and migrants may be flushed along the Tenakill or TNC's trails. That is, if we're not having a blizzard.